We proudly present… the anniversary logo of H&G.

Our logo this year is something special.  It stands for 60 years of history and family tradition.

Since 1963 at our headquarters in Burbach-Niederdresselndorf, we have been growing and developing into what we are today: a technology and market leader in the field of waste disposal technology.

5 facts we are proud of:

                ⁃ Presence in 35 countries

                ⁃ 150 competent, versatile and multicultural people forming a synergetic team.

                ⁃ Our facilities: approx. 60,000 m²

                ⁃ Approx. 8,500 screw compactors sold worldwide.

                ⁃ 590,000 kWh generated by our own power supply using photovoltaic technology and a cogeneration power plant.

Thank you to our management, our team, as well as the business partners and customers who have accompanied us on this journey. Many new and exciting challenges are waiting for us. We are ready to face each and every one of them and look forward to the future.


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